Maine Antler Art

Genuine Maine Made Antler Lighting & Home Accessories
Links and Information
The links below are meant to be informative and appreciative to our clients and friends. Please let them know you found their site from mine!
The Maine Professional Guides Association is composed of Registered Maine Guides who strive to enhance the standards of the guiding industry.
The Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region - York, Maine
Places to see my Art
Birchwood Interiors in Sugarloaf: Village West, Carrabassett Valley, Maine Phone: 207) 237-7000
Gallery at Stony Batter Station, The 2983 Route Four, Rangeley, ME 04964 Phone: (207) 864-3373
Moosehead Cedar Log Homes - Pittsfield, Maine
Friends and Clients
Greg Parks Builders - Timberhaven Log Home Representative
Linwood Doble Inc., Custom Home Builders - 1011 Robin Street, Carrabassett Valley, ME 4947 Phone: (207)235-5000